Started in 2021, The Cat People series features light-painted portraits by Lucy Barnett, documenting the lives of these anonymous and somewhat reclusive creatures of the night. using long exposures and a "slow strobe" process, the Cat people are documented in their personal spaces, as their environment and individual aesthetic provides them with both comfort and strength.
Inspired by the photographer's earliest childhood efforts with analog cameras, Cat People are intimate tableaux, constructed with beloved and eclectic personal items. The photographer is physically present but invisible in each constructed shot, walking through the frame to light specific items. The Cat People function as self-portraits, each model holding state for the photographer as the shot is built.
Series One of Cat People is available in three sizes of limited edition prints: 18" x 20", 16" x 24", and 24" x 36", all signed by the artist. Please contact below for prices and availability.
Thank you for your interest! We will get back to you with more information shortly.Lucy Barnett Photography